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Tracy and Debb.jpeg

This is to register your interest in taking part in the Triathlon Relays on the 28th of August as part of a Wakey Tri Club team.

Before you start, it is a really good idea to read the information on the Tri Society website. The event is frenetic and sometimes chaotic, but always ​great fun. Most club members choose to camp the night before, which is always a great get together. 

Race format:

500m Swim - 15k Bike - 5km Run

The legs are split so that all 4 team members swim one ​after the other, then do the same​ for the bike, and same again for the run.

This means you get a break between each leg...​don't relax too much though, you don't want to be that person who leaves their team mate hanging in transition!

If all 4 team members are BTF members, you can enter into one of the 'official' categories and compete for an overall prize. Otherwise you'll need to enter one of the open categories. You can view the 'simple' flow chart of the race categories here.


There are morning and afternoon races - you can race in whichever slot suits your team, and you're welcome to race twice if you so wish!
The club are subsidising £20 towards each individual’s race fee again but you must enter your WTC membership number with your other details.
If you’re a new member or haven’t been to The Relays before then I’d encourage you to take part – it is madness but you’ll love it. ​If you don’t have a team and want to enter then click on the link below, complete the details and we will find a team for you.

Click on the button below to register.

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