Terry Blackwood
Head of Coaching
As Head of Coaching Terry works with the Coach Leadership Group to oversee our coaching and ensuring the development of our coaches.
A club member since 2012 Terry can usually be found at the back of races doing his best to look like he’s enjoying it. Terry tries to show by example that you don’t need to be fast to be a triathlete.
Ben Storey
Vice Chair
I’ve been a member of this great club since 2014 and I’ve been supported by some great people. I want to pay that forward and so in addition to my coaching duties I have taken on the role of vice-chair supporting the chair and committee
wherever possible. I love all sports, particularly those that take me to adventurous places.
Joe Howard
I have been a member of the club for just over 15 years in both the junior and senior guises.
I have a passion for the club and the sport in general and compete as often as I can - the type of event matters little!
In my role as treasurer I oversee the finances of the club.
I’m likely to be found cycling up a hill, somewhere in Yorkshire!
I joined in 2017 because someone told me swimming would be good for my back, which is has been and has allowed me to continue running.
I love the friendly atmosphere of the club and got well and truly bitten by the tri bug so I’m am looking forward to getting more involved and promoting this fantastic club!
Karl-Eric Devaux
IT Administration & Membership
Karl-Eric got into Triathlon in 2018 when a friend invited him to the Warsaw 5i50 - he loved it!
He joined WTC in December 2019.
He swims like a stone but loves the open water swimming experience 😍
He doesn't like running 😑 ...
You are more likely to see him on his bike 😁
He looks after the membership processing for the clubs and general administration of the Website.